CS NOW Event in Münster, Germany!

August 2023

Hacer Tercanli Tercanli, Pia Töns, and Judith Helmer from the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre were in August present at the festival “Wir Brennen Fürs Klima”, at the booth of the Erasmus+ project “Citizen Science NOW”. The team presented the results of a recent collaboration with the municipality of Saerbeck, that was realised through a series of co-creation sessions between April-July 2023.

At the booth, the festival visitors from Saerbeck and neighbouring regions had the opportunity to share their ideas for the future of civic engagement in heat transition and contributed as co-authors to the development of the Heat Transition & Civic Engagement Handbook. The citizens also interacted with the digital map on the Saerbeck heat transition and found out more information about the heat/ energy transition in the town.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
