The Essential Role of Data in Citizen Science Projects

June 2023

Data is at the heart of citizen science projects, playing a crucial role in advancing scientific research. These projects rely on volunteers and members of the public to collect and analyse data on various topics like biodiversity, pollution, and climate change. The data collected through citizen science initiatives form a long-term legacy and make significant contributions to scientific knowledge. They offer valuable insights that can help tackle environmental challenges, promote environmental justice, and work towards sustainable development goals. Ensuring high-quality data is a key consideration in citizen science projects, and many initiatives have robust mechanisms in place to achieve this. They employ various methods for data quality assurance and control. While concerns have been raised about the quality of citizen science data, research by the International Science Council (ISC) indicates that data quality itself is not a major issue. The main area for improvement lies in documenting data quality assurance practices.

Apart from data quality, effective data management and infrastructure are also critical in citizen science projects. This includes storage, management, and access to the data collected. While many projects have mechanisms for ensuring data quality, fewer provide easy access to open data, unique identifiers, or open licenses. Enhancements in data storage, management, and access can greatly increase the reuse and impact of citizen science data.

The impact of citizen science data goes beyond environmental studies. United Nations (UN) agencies utilize citizen science data for humanitarian activities and monitoring progress towards sustainable development goals (SDGs). The data collected by citizen scientists support policymaking and programs related to the SDGs, fostering universal access to scientific knowledge, and sharing its benefits.

In conclusion, data plays a vital role in citizen science projects by providing valuable insights and contributing to scientific research. Ensuring data quality, implementing effective data management practices, and promoting data access are crucial for maximizing the impact of citizen science data in addressing environmental challenges and achieving sustainable development goals.

Resource: The Critical Importance of Citizen Science Data

Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
